Ever heard of a literary analysis essay? Nope? Me, neither. At least, I hadn’t a few years ago. I didn’t even know it was a …
How to Rock a Literary Analysis Essay with Middle Grade Students

Ever heard of a literary analysis essay? Nope? Me, neither. At least, I hadn’t a few years ago. I didn’t even know it was a …
What are the examples of figurative language that will transform student writing? How can students play with words to make their writing sing? Both are …
Do students really need to use dialogue in narrative essay writing? (Can’t they just skip that part?) If you’d asked me this twenty years ago, …
Introducing paragraph writing to your students this year? If you’re an elementary educator, that’s probably a “Yep!” Introducing paragraph writing is a big step for …
Revising vs Editing. Isn’t it really just the same thing? We all know there is a process to writing. And we all know that process …
Looking for some useful essay writing steps to get you through the next writing unit? Look no further! Read on to learn some simple ways …