Looking for examples of a descriptive paragraph for your next writing unit? This bundle is a great way to introduce paragraph writing to 2nd-3rd graders. It includes 4 one-week lessons that will last a month! Make writing fun by writing a descriptive paragraph of the beach, various foods, the seasons, and stuffies. Each writing unit contains lesson plans, organizers, examples, and a rubric for 1 week.
Each descriptive paragraph writing unit includes:
- pre-writing organizer
- example pre-writing organizer to use as a model
- chart with suggested words for see, hear, feel, smell, and taste
- rough draft paper
- example rough draft paragraph with errors to correct as a class
- revising/editing checklist
- final draft paper
- example descriptive paragraph to use as a model
- labeled visual of final draft
- 5 senses anchor charts
- hamburger visual as a reminder to include topic, details, closing
- descriptive paragraph rubric
- 5 days of lesson plans
Student items in “Examples of a Descriptive Paragraph with Units” come in color and B/W– you decide what works best for you!
Hyperlinked Table of Contents for easy navigation.
Using examples of a descriptive paragraph along with comprehensive, step-by-step units will set your students up for success!
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The Secret to Introducing Paragraph Writing in Elementary School
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